Wednesday, July 7, 2010

醜悪、自分勝手な外国人と“ザコーヴ”の映画について Obnoxious, self righteous Gaijins and the movie "The Cove"

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy over a movie called "The Cove". I just watched a 30 minute segment on NHK's "Close up Gendai" about this controversy. I will be honest here, I have no plan to see this movie. I have had years of experience with obnoxious, self righteous, White people. Without seeing the movie, I could tell you how it goes.



Let me explain further. Until about 10 years ago, I worked for a film casting agent in Tokyo. We specialized in providing foreigners for Japanese television and film productions. My job was as a location manager. Every morning, I would be up at say, 05:00 in the morning, by 06:30, I would be in Shinjuku or Shibuya, pick up a group of Gaijins, and take them off somewhere to film.


On the set, I was responsible for translation, and all aspects of managing the foreigners on the set. To many Japanese people who have an interest in foreigners, this might sound like a fun job. Actually, it was hell.


Native English speaking foreigners were the worst. They have a feeling that they are always right, and that they deserve special treatment.


For example. Sometimes there was a big star on the set, let us say Tachi Hiroshi. I remember when I had 20 Gaijins on the set with him. Every time he was taking a break from shooting, some Gaijin would come up to him and try to take a picture with him. Of course, as manager, I would stop the Gaijin. And invariably the Gaijin would complain to me, "Oh but I just want one picture!".


Well, there are 20 Gaijins, if they all take pictures, Mr. Tachi can not get any rest between scenes. The thing is, these people were not tourists, they were extras in the movie. They were getting paid well, and paid better than Japanese extras. At least three times more.


So often I spent most of my day arguing with stupid Gaijins, and telling them that they were not tourists, and should concentrate on working. I have a very low opinion of the average young American person, their entire conversation on the set would be "Oh but I just want...."


It got so bad, that when we had a job for White people, instead of Native English speakers, we would use Russians. They would work hard and not make selfish demands.


And I think this is the whole point about the people who made this movie "The Cove". They are very selfish, and think of nobody but themselves. In their minds, they are always right. They are not even interested in thinking about some other person's viewpoint. So really they cannot call this movie a documentary, they should call it propaganda.


I will agree, the killing of animals is an ugly business. But have these people ever seen the inside of a cattle slaughterhouse? It is ugly, and the cows die horribly. Yet almost all Americans eat beef. I went to high school in the American state of Wisconsin. There were many nice cows. Yet, I knew that the eventual fate of all these cows was to be on somebody's dinner plate.


Well, activists such as the people who made this movie "The Cove" will scream that dolphins are different, they are intelligent. Well so are cows. The activists will say that dolphins communicate and have a society.


Well so do elephants. They communicate and have a society. But sometimes In Africa and other countries elephant herds destroy farms and villages, and the village people respond by killing the elephants.


If the people of Taiji in Wakayama have been hunting dolphins for 400 years, I would think that they must have a reason.


As far as I can see by this movie, the only crime these movie people committed was trespassing on private property. OK, perhaps we can also say attempting to interfere with the operation of business.


However, I think the Japanese authorities have been too kind to these people. Their intention is to create trouble.


In the past, such activists have committed more serious crimes than trespassing, they have destroyed fishing nets. I think it is highly possible that such obnoxious, self righteous White people will return to Japan to create more problems.


I just saw this in the news. This is way too light a sentence. He should have been given two years of hard labor. The facts are, he attempted to murder Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean.


This will only encourage these obnoxious people to come to Japan again. And they will keep escalating their activities. Eventually, someone, probably a Japanese fisherman, will be killed.


I CANNOT understand why the Japanese authorities were so lenient to Mr. Bethune.


Then, since this is an active organization, this group that produced this movie, I think it becomes a political dispute between the United States government and the Japanese government. In Japan, we will need extra police personnel to protect the citizens of Taiji.


This will cost money. And since an organized American movie production company is causing all this trouble, I think we should bill the United States government for the costs.


Perhaps then, the American government can find a way to discourage these people from creating trouble outside the United States.


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